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This question is in the top 10 I get asked.

Keep scrolling. I’m going to show you how to design an Instagram theme with the white line in the middle.
I’m also going to show you 2 tricks to keep that white line in the middle of your grid once you post your photos on Instagram.

Make sure you have Preview app on your phone so you can follow the tutorial with me.

1. Upload your photos in Preview app

Use Preview to design your feed before you post on Instagram.

Upload your photos and what you want your line in the middle to be (for example, quotes on a white background).

Tap on the “+” icon to add your photos in Preview app:

2. Rearrange your photos to get the white line in the middle

Now you can design you feed with the white line in the center.

Drag and drop the images to move the photos around.

Here is how the feed looks like after I rearranged all the photos to get the white line in the middle:

3. Post on Instagram

Time to post on Instagram:

  • Select the photo you want to post
  • Tap the “Export” icon

After you have posted a few photos, you will notice that your white line does not stay in the middle of your Instagram feed (on Instagram).

This is normal. Every time you will post a new image it will shift your entire feed. That’s how Instagram works.

So how can you keep the white line in the middle on Instagram?

Here are 2 tips:

1. Always post 3 photos straight away

If you post one photo, post the other 2 photos as well.
It might overwhelm your followers with new posts all at once. But hey! At least you and your followers will always see the white line in the middle.

2. Post 3 photos throughout the day

A lot of people doing this theme don’t post 3 photos straight away. You will often see their white line is on the left or on the right, not always in the middle. And that’s ok.

You can post one photo in the morning, one during lunch time and one in the evening. This way you will always have your white line in the middle at the end of the day. Plus, by doing that, you are also reaching a lot more people on Instagram (I’m assuming your hashtag game is strong).

Show me your Instagram feed with the line white

If you’re trying this Instagram feed style yourself, leave your Instagram username in the comments below.
I’d love to check it out!

Until next time, see you all on Instagram (@preview.app) for more tips, tricks and theme ideas.

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